Prerequisites (click to view)
graph LR
ALG(["fas:fa-trophy Selection Sort fas:fa-trophy #160;"])
ASY_ANA(["fas:fa-check Asymptotic Analysis #160;"])
click ASY_ANA "./math-asymptotic-analysis"
ARRAY(["fas:fa-check Array #160;"])
click ARRAY "./list-data-struct-array"
Selection sort is the last simplistic sorting algorithms covered here1. It works by repeatedly searching for the next minimum value and moving it to the correct position. It’s difficult to describe with prose; however, it’s the easiest sorting algorithm to implement. Examine the animated image below in conjunction with the supplied pseudo code to understand it’s inner working.
Recall that bubble and insertion sort
are $\Omega(n)-O(n^2)$ algorithms. When the data is pre-sorted the number of
operations is linear to the input size. In the worst case scenario, reverse
sorted data, the number of operations is $n^2$. Conversely, selection sort is
$\Theta(n^2)$: the number of operations is the same regardless of the input
data. One would assume that selection sort is inferior based on this data.
However, recall that the RAM
model weights all
operations equally. The innovation of selection sort is that while the number of
operations is commiserate, the number of copy
operation is
In this context, a copy
is defined as copying data from one memory location to
another. The pseudo code below demonstrates the three copy
associated with swapping two array values.
int temp;
temp = A[i]; // 1st copy
A[i] = A[j]; // 2nd copy
A[j] = temp; // 3rd copy
Selection sort may outperform other simplistic sort algorithms owing to fewer
operations. This is an important attribute to keep in mind for situations
where moving data is expensive.
Pseudo Code
\caption{Selection Sort}
\REQUIRE $A$ = list of numbers
\ENSURE $A$ sorted in sequential order
\FOR{i $\gets$ 0 to ($\vert A \vert$ - 1)}
\STATE lowest $\gets$ i
\FOR{j $\gets$ (i + 1) to ($\vert A \vert$ - 1)}
\IF{$A_{\text{lowest}} \gt A_j$ }
\STATE lowest $\gets$ j
\STATE swap $A_{\text{lowest}}$ and $A_i$
Asymptotic Complexity
Source Code
Relevant Files:
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Assume line 6 of the selection sort pseudo code is changed to:
\(\text{if} \space A_{\text{lowest}} \lt A_j\)
How does this change the final state?Answers (click to expand)
The data will be sorted in descending order rather than ascending order.
- Using the programming language of your choice, implement a selection sort
function that accepts:
- an array of any type
- a sorting strategy
Answers (click to expand)
See the C implementation provided in the links below. Your implementation may vary significantly and still be correct.
- selection_sort.h
- selection_sort.c
- selection_sort_test.c -
At this point, you should have implemented bubble, insertion, and selection sort. Instrument each of your algorithms to calculate the total number of copy and comparison operations. Next, sort the data contained in the sort.txt file and determine the total number of copy and comparison for each algorithm.
Answers (click to expand)
See the C implementation provided in sort_implementation.c Your implementation may vary significantly and still be correct. The final output should be:
Bubble Sort: copy = 71,844,390 comparisons = 49,988,559 total = 121,832,949 Insertion Sort: copy = 23,968,128 comparisons = 23,958,117 total = 47,926,245 Selection Sort: copy = 29,964 comparisons = 49,995,000 total = 50,024,964
Only a small portion of the common sorting algorithms are covered here as the intent is not to serve as a comprehensive catalog. Care was taken to ensure that all salient sorting concepts are represented. ↩
It is possible, with numeric values, to swap variables using three arithmetic or bitwise operations. As this doesn’t work with other types of data it’s not particularly germane. ↩