Depth First Search (DFS)

DFS is analogous to searching a maze in that it dives as deep into the graph as possible and only back tracks when absolutely necessary. It is identical to BFS with two exceptions. First, it uses a Stack instead of a Queue. Second, items are conquered after being poped from the stack instead of before they are enqueueed.


  • Connectivity - In a network, ensure that every node is reachable.

Asymptotic Complexity

\(O(m + n)\)

Pseudo Code

G = input graph
s = stack data structure
v = starting vertex
side effects: marks all vertices conquered that are reachable from v


while s is not empty:
    v = s->pop
    if v is NOT conquered:
        for each edge in v:
            w = edge->head

DFS also lends itself to a rather elegant recursive implementation that does not require any additional data structures.

G = input graph
v = starting vertex
side effects: marks all vertices conquered that are reachable from v


for each edge in v:
    w = edge->head
    if w is NOT conquered:
        recurse (G, w)

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