Sorted Array - Question 5 Answers


\caption{Find the minimum value in the supplied array}
\REQUIRE A = randomly ordered array
\OUTPUT $\min{A}$
    \STATE $m \gets \infty$
    \FOR{$i \in A$}
        \IF{$i \lt m$}
            \STATE $m \gets i$


\caption{Find the successor of the specified item in the supplied array}
\REQUIRE A = randomly ordered array
\REQUIRE item = reference item
\OUTPUT item immediately following item
\FUNCTION{successor}{A, item}
    \STATE $s \gets \infty$
    \FOR{$i \in A$}
        \IF{$i \gt \text{item}$ and $i \lt s$}
            \STATE $s \gets i$


\caption{Find the rank of the specified item}
\REQUIRE A = randomly ordered array
\REQUIRE item = reference item
\OUTPUT ordinal position of item or -1 if the item does not exist
\FUNCTION{rank}{A, item}
    \STATE $r \gets -1$
    \FOR{$i \in A$}
        \IF{$i \leq$ item}
            \STATE $r \gets r + 1$

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