Stack - Question 2 Answers

2 a

\caption{Stack - Array Implementation}
\REQUIRE size = max number of items in the stack
\OUTPUT stack data structure
    \STATE stack $\gets$ new memory allocation
    \STATE stack.array $\gets$ new array with size elements
    \STATE stack.size $\gets$ size
    \STATE = -1
    \RETURN stack
\REQUIRE stack = stack data structure
\REQUIRE value = value to add to the stack
\FUNCTION{push}{stack, value}
    \IF{ + 1 = stack.size}
        \STATE stack overflow
    \STATE $\gets$ + 1
    \STATE stack.array[] $\gets$ value
\REQUIRE stack = stack data structure
\OUTPUT value at the top of the stack
    \IF{ = -1}
        \STATE stack underflow
    \STATE $\gets$ - 1
    \RETURN stack.array[ + 1]
\REQUIRE stack = stack data structure
\OUTPUT value at the top of the stack
    \IF{ = -1}
        \STATE stack underflow
    \RETURN stack.array[]

2 b

\caption{Stack - Linked List Implementation}
\OUTPUT stack data structure
    \STATE stack $\gets$ new memory allocation
    \STATE stack.list $\gets$ new linked list
    \STATE stack.itemCount = 0
    \RETURN stack
\REQUIRE stack = stack data structure
\REQUIRE value = value to add to the stack
\FUNCTION{push}{stack, value}
    \STATE \CALL{LinkedListInsertAtHead}{stack.list, value}
    \STATE stack.itemCount $\gets$ stack.itemCount + 1
\REQUIRE stack = stack data structure
\OUTPUT value at the top of the stack
    \IF{stack.itemCount = 0}
        \STATE stack underflow
    \STATE value $\gets$ stack.list.head
    \STATE stack.itemCount $\gets$ stack.itemCount - 1
    \STATE \CALL{LinkedListDeleteAtHead}{stack.list}
    \RETURN value
\REQUIRE stack = stack data structure
    \IF{stack.itemCount = 0}
        \STATE stack underflow
    \RETURN stack.list.head

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